Dan Abel

Dan Abel

Dan is the owner and head coach for open water swim specialist swim company 'Fit & Abel' He is also a pioneer in New Zealand of open water sportive swimming under the brand RealSwim Adventures.

Dan competed at a National level between 1988 and 2008 and is a former New Zealand national pool swimming champion, an ex USA Collegiate swimmer and holds the 4th fastest time ever for swimming the Cook Strait in 6 hours 15 minutes.

These days Dan spends his time teaching adults how to swim and introducing them to the addictive fun that is open water swimming.

"I’m stoked to be using SwimEars. Most earplugs have a ‘one size fits all’ mentality. SwimEars enable you to custom fit the plug to your ears, how cool is that? If you are like me one of the frustrating things about wearing an earplug is you are then cut off from your swim mates – you can’t hear them. SwimEars let sound in! The third ‘win’ for me is that the plugs come with a leash. I was a little sceptical to begin however the leash fits nicely under the cap and that one time in hundred your custom fitted plug falls out (maybe when swimming with dolphins) you don’t lose it!" – Dan Abel

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